Laudate Dominum

Saturday  afternoon at St. Jodok

The vocal ensemble ‘ad libitum’ together with the instrumental group ‘Musica cumpaneia’ create a spiritual concert.The central part consists of compositions by Heinrich Isaac, Oswald von Wolkenstein and Adam von Fulda. Among other things you can hear the Kyrie of the ‘Missa Carminum’ by Heinrich Isaac (1450 - 1517 Florence), one of the outstanding Flemish composers and a contemporary of Josquin des Prez. The famous song ‘Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen’ forms the ‘cantusfirmus’ in that Kyrie. Apart from vocals and instrumentals in the manner of ‘cantare et sonare’, the Ahrend choir organ fills St.Jodok’s Church with historical music.
