Knightly Games, Tilting and Jousting
Sunday afternoon (after Bridal Pageant) at the tournament ground
The wedding procession moves on to the tournament ground, the scene where the bride first set foot in the town and was welcomed by her future husband. Seated at the raised banquet-table the bride and groom with their royal guests are paid homage by flag-bearers, mercenaries and tilters, all showing their many skills. In an exciting tournament young nobles joust for the prize awarded to the winner by the bride: Duke Christopher of Bavaria, Archduke Sigmund of the Tyrol, the young Margrave of Brandenburg, the young Count of Württemberg and a companion of the groom’s, Ludwig of Westerstetten. When Duke Christopher the Strong jousts against a Polish
prince, a feature of the wedding emerges from the past which, to this day, many chroniclers have considered worthwhile recounting.