Foundation of the association in 1902

It was mostly pride of Landshut’s past and a more naive rather  than clever approach to tourism that brought Georg Tippel and Joseph Linnbrunner together to form the association, in which they were of course inspired by the cycle of  paintings in the State room of the town hall which they would later bring to life. Tippel, obviously the creator if the idea was owner of  tavern in the “Old town” of Landshut. Linnbrunner was a town councilor and owner of Bavaria’s first zwieback (rusk) factory. Tippel was also involved in various other clubs and  associations. On September 17th 1902 Tippel and Linnbrunner were voted from 50 other club members to be the leaders of the commitee which was to steer the the new "Patrons Association" also called "Die Förderer"
145 costumes were donated from private funding. The fanfare trumpeters and drummers were dressed from the donation of brewery owner Carl Wittman, who together with a further brewery owner Eugen Fleischmann supplied the needs of the Emperor.

Architecht Anton Weiss had the wedding coach built using historically authentic plans. The United Flourmill paid for the harnesses and costumes of  the horse tenders and provided up to 1938 six coach horses,then later eight. Even the royal court office in Munich and the court saddlers gave their help and cooperation in the form of bridles and saddles. The town of Landshut, with it’s then 27,000 citizens was now to embark on a project that was to grow into something beyond their wildest dreams.
